Considering a condo? You’ll need condo insurance in California!

Are you thinking of purchasing a condo? Anyone accustomed to living in a regular apartment or freestanding house is likely to find the condo lifestyle quite different, and there are even different coverage options with condo insurance in California. California condo residents often speak about the unique features of this housing choice, and we have listed some of the advantages and disadvantages of condo living.


       There’s no need to mow lawns, shovel snow or tend gardens.

       Communal amenities like pools and tennis courts are available, but their maintenance is not your responsibility.

       First time buyers often find condos more affordable than traditional housing.

       Condos are often built in downtown locations with shopping and community centers nearby.

       Condos typically have good security features.

       Condo owners have to pay regular association fees.

       You share the floor, ceiling and one or more walls with neighboring condos.

       Life tends to be more communal and less private than living in a house.

       Some condos may take longer to sell than traditional properties.

       Condos typically have less storage space than traditional properties.


Anyone considering condo living is advised to do some research, shop around and get a picture of the ways different condos are managed. Because of the complexities of condo insurance, California condo buyers often engage insurance agencies that deal with this specialized area.
