College Bound Children!

Often times parents are so excited to push their kids out of the house and on to college, that they forget about the importance of insurance. Parents should at least review their coverage to know if they will be prepared for a stolen MAC, IPAD, or a quick trip to the emergency room. Here are some important things to check when your college student starts their new adventure:

  • Health. Most schools require students to have health insurance and it’s great that they can actually stay on your plan until they are at the age of 26. It is important to review your coverage, especially if your child is going to school out of state.
  • Auto. If your child is going to school you may be eligible to save 10-20% on your auto policy. Check with you local agent today to start saving!
  • Personal Proprty. We know it isn’t unusual for a student to have expensive valuables stored in their dorm and apartment. To protect these items be sure to inquire with your agent that these items are included on your home or renter’s insurance.

 Sweeney & Sweeney Insurance welcomes all the new and returning Chico College students! Good luck with your new academic year. Feel free to call us for any of your insurance needs.