Blueberry-licious Benefits!

It’s National Blueberry Month! We all know that blueberries
are good for you, but do you really know just how beneficial they can be? There
are tons of amazing benefits to eating blueberries (other than they’re
delicious!). Just a half a cup a day can prevent many illnesses and even
reverse the effects of some diseases.

  • Check out this great recipe: 2c brown sugar, 2 tsp puréed
    blueberries, and 3 Tbsp lemon juice. The blueberries in this awesome facial
    scrub soften skin, the lemon juice brightens your complexion, while the sugar
  • Like cranberries, blueberries contain compounds that prevent
    bacteria from adhering to the walls of your bladder which can ward off UTI’s.
    If you get one, toss a handful of blueberries into your smoothie!
  • Did you know that blueberries can fight off cancer. Their
    anthocyanins attack cancer-causing free radicals and can even prevent the
    growth of tumor cells.
  • A study in England has suggested that blueberries can
    reverse age-related memory loss due to their being chock-full of flavonoids.

So in honor of National Blueberry Month, so out and
stock up! For some extra points, go check out a farmer’s market (such as Chico’s
Thursday Night Market) and get some locally grown organic blueberries so you
can also benefit our community and environment. Stay healthy and happy, from
everyone here at Sweeney & Sweeney!